Artist Statement
My artwork explores the contrast between the feminine and the grotesque with a particular focus on insects. Inside mixed-media dioramas, I put bows on bugs. By using different materials I wish to create small intimate spaces for these insects to house.
My works are created through the sourcing of various materials from estate sales, antique malls, and thrift stores where I find vintage textiles, doll furniture, and other objects. These second-hand materials combined with insects preserved through pinning techniques allow me to create dioramas that showcase them in an endearing way.
Through my art, I want to embrace peculiarity and femininity. I believe that insects, often seen as disgusting, deserve to be appreciated for their unique beauty. In a way, I want to offer them a home, a space where they are comfortable rather than exterminated and hunted. By combining elements of feminine delicate lace, soft fabrics, and miniature doll furniture with the sleekness of insects, I challenge traditional notions of beauty and embrace a more complex view of the world.
Ultimately, I hope to invite viewers to reconsider their relationship with bugs and to see beauty in what is often ignored or misunderstood. I want my work to convey a sense of wonder and tenderness toward the smallest creatures and to encourage others to embrace the strange, the unusual, and the often-dismissed.